SEE ALSO: How to Ping an IPv6 Address from Linux Terminal. The following command is used to list the average CPU usage for four times each after every 2 seconds The mpstat with the option –p and “ALL” shall list all the statistics regarding the CPUs one by one beginning from 0. If none of the activities have been selected, then the CPU utilization report shall be the default report. This command can be used both on the UP as well as SMP machines, but in UP, only the global average activities shall be printed. All the global average activities among the processors are reported as well. This command can write to standard output regarding all the activities for every available processor, processor 0 being the first one. SEE ALSO: How to Delete a Line in VIM Editor – Vim Line Delete Command. Type “U” if you want to view processes that are owned by a specific user.Type “P” to sort by the CPU usage again.Type “S” to sort by how long the processes have been running.Type “M” if you want to sort data by memory usage.If you need to modify the output of the top command, you need to type “i” as it is used to remove the idle processes from the display.Some useful tips for using the top command: You need to type “top” from the terminal to view the statistical data that is related to the system’s performance.

Now the top command by default is used to update data every 5 seconds. The top commands are used to display the real-time view of performance that is related data of the entire running processes within the system.

SEE ALSO: 7 Best Linux Courses for Administration, Security, and Training. The following command is used to display the extended statistics (-x option) with the number of time (-t option) each report must be presented for the CPU utilization (-c option) Use the following command as it is used to break the CPU utilization into system processes, user processes, I/O wait as well as idle time. If you want to list the individual report then you need to use -c, -d and -h switch for the CPU utilization, device utilizations as well as network file system utilization.