Now I can finally make that pic I've always wanted to do. So yeah, this model is back for people to enjoy and mess around with. Stand pose tool is the quick and easy way to fix this. Once spawned the model will spaz out a bit when you try to drag him up because of his tail being stuck in the ground. You'll need Joint Tool to properly pose his fingers. One of the, close lid, options doesn't work for some reason. Face posing has some facial features and is also used to move his eyes. Easy bodygroup Tool used for showing his tongue and suit, the suit also comes in different colors. Recently I found someone who was able to help recover the model and now, Gex the Gecko is back in Garry's Mod. No one knows whatever happened to the model or the guy who made it.

It was custom made and it looked great, but then it mysteriously disappeared.

It was removed before the final release.Some of you might have remembered that there once was a model of Gex the Gecko in Gmod.

You can access a level select, view game statistics, modify the camera settings, and more. A debug menu can be activated any time in game by pressing SELECT.The subchannel data is not accurate, however (but isn't used by this game). The disc has been dumped with two separate dumpers with CloneCD, but generating the same output.